William Harvey revisits Solo Violin Sonata – Issues new CD
Radio host Teri Noel Towe welcomed Ann Schnabel Mottier, François Mottier and Britta Matterne for a three hour radio show entitled “All Things Schnabel.” William Harvey, Concertmaster at Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional (Mexico) recently recorded the Artur Schnabel sonata for solo violin. Sunday February 24, 2019 Sarah Cahill received Ann and François Mottier for the yearly two hour radio show on the San Francisco radio station KALW. This show was focused on Karl Ulrich S...
Steinway Presents Artur Schnabel’s Complete Works for Piano Solo Pieces
Radio Show at Columbia WKCR on March 18, 2019.
50 Years of Music – Original German Letters by the Schnabels
When Artur Schnab...
Karl Ulrich Schnabel’s Film of 1933 Restored
Cello solo Sonata on CD by Sam Magill