Upcoming Edition of Correspondence between Artur and Therese Schnabel

The correspondence between Artur and Therese Schnabel starts in 1900 when the still unknown pianist Artur Schnabel was hired to accompany the renowned and revered singer Therese Behr. The last letters from Therese Schnabel chronicle the crushing final days of Artur before his death in 1951 in Axenstein, Switzerland as reported by Therese in her reports to their son Karl Ulrich. The letters cover the blossoming of mutual love, their marriage and raising of two sons; a fascinating history of political upheaval through two World Wars, experiencing travel through Europe, America, and Australia by a musician from the “old world,” evolution of the music making scene and business, and much more.thumb_IMG_2920_1024

Meeting of Editors and Publisher in Hofheim/Frankfurt, Germany, October 2015. L. to r.: Peter Mischung and François Mottier

The original German correspondence edition in two volumes and one additional volume of annotations is scheduled to be available in September 2016. The publisher is the Wolke Verlag, Hofheim, Germany. An English translation is already being prepared for publication latest in 2017.